“Until you value yourself, you won’t value your time. Until you value your time, you will not do anything with it.” M. Scott Peck

We work with people who are in various stages of their journey towards financial independence, and we often see how heavily finance influences our mindset – regardless of how much we have. For our clients who are working through debt management strategies, the overwhelming need to generate enough income and manage it towards clearing their debt can seem all-consuming. But so too, for our clients who are financially stable or even financially independent, the conflict of understanding value and meaning in their lives is equally distracting.

As M. Scott Peck wisely asserts, we need first to value ourselves and our time. All too often, financial planning focuses on money, to the exclusion of other areas of a fulfilling life.

At WellsFaber, we’ve been helping our clients expand their understanding of the wealthspace, and include areas of a fulfilling life that are connected to each other, and to their money. 

We believe that the aspiration to find and live in the healthy balance between being wealthy with our health, emotions, mindset and finances is essential. All of this depends on how we spend our time, and lately, more and more people have realised that they need to take a break to focus on their mental health, their family responsibilities and putting themselves first.

With this in mind, it was fantastic to see an article on the Harvard Business Review saying that LinkedIn recently introduced a new category — Career Breaks — for users who are building profiles.

“The new label helps normalize the idea that careers are not always linear — and will give an enormous boost to the recruiting efforts of employers running career reentry programs or otherwise targeting the pool of professionals returning from career breaks.

The Career Break category allows individuals who have taken time away from the traditional workforce not only to call out their career breaks on their LinkedIn profiles, but to describe the highlights of their career break experiences — including travel, family responsibilities, or volunteer work — just as they would a traditional work experience.

Employers are launching career reentry programs at unprecedented rates. Recruiters are recognising that people who’ve temporarily left the workforce are a “hidden” talent pool — and that in most cases, their decision to take a break from paid work has nothing to do with job performance.”

Life, like the growth of our wealth, is non-linear. It’s just about “the hustle” – trying to work as hard as we can to gain a sense of financial stability. It’s about knowing when to hustle and when to focus on taking quality time off. If you need to talk about ways to plan for a break or change in your current direction, let us know and we can work this into the plan.

We advise, you thrive.