“Necessity is the mother of invention.” – Plato
Invention is a beautiful creative expression where we can create something that never existed before. As kids, we would invent things all the time, but as our lives become full of growing responsibilities and obligations, we find ourselves relying more and more on the inventions of others.
But invention doesn’t always make life easier; this is where innovation enters the picture. Where invention creates something new, innovation finds new ways of using and doing things to add value and make a difference.
If invention creates the dots, innovation connects the dots.
For example, think about the moment Steve Jobs walked onto a stage in 2007 holding a funny-looking device; everyone in the world lost their minds. We already had the Blackberry, and an inkling of what this meant – no more Filofax, watch, calendar, Rolodex and map book just to do life; it was all right here.
But the iPhone helped people connect the dots and apply it to their own situations on a deeper level. Their slogan was: This changes everything. And it really did.
Gadgets and gizmos are great, but they don’t always add value. Think about how quickly they clutter your kitchen counter! We need invention that creates convenience; that’s innovation. At WellsFaber, we want you to thrive, so we understand that it’s not just about the latest and greatest; it’s about how we can help you connect the dots to add value to your wealthspace.
Like the iPhone, an integrated financial plan and portfolio are about convergence, accessibility and intuitive design. We design our advice to be independent and intuitive and use our knowledge to recommend only the best, most convenient products that will fit in with your already busy lifestyle — connecting the dots; making things better.
That’s what we want to give you here at WellsFaber – the convenience to thrive.