For those familiar with personal training you may know that a strength programme is well complemented by a flexibility routine. Some research has shown that stretching can increase muscle mass by over 300%!

The same is true for making plans. The more flexibility (room to stretch) your plan has, the stronger it can be.

A plan needs to consider many things and allow for alternatives to bolster any situation that may occur. This way, flexibility also improves the plan’s reach and chance of success because it will have proactive elements to it, in case of any surprises or emergencies.

It is important to remember that plans don’t solve problems. They are simply a means to bringing about change that will solve a problem.

For productive, successful planning, here are some considerations to improve your flexibility.

1. Be willing to try different things

Flexible planning means there is room for spontaneity without there being rigid, mandatory ways of doing things. Being willing to try different things helps create this room, with flexible planning you’re re-apply proven methods or change them based on the situation you’re presented with.

Although planning needs some structure, there shouldn’t be any prescribed course of action for everything. Instead of seeing your plan as a thin line, rather see it like a wide road where you can choose and change lanes when needed.

2. Be willing to ask for help

As part of trying different things, a flexible plan considers different perspectives. You get those different perspectives and different ways of executing your plan when you ask for help from others.

Asking for help doesn’t mean you’ve failed; it simply means you’re willing to try by any means necessary to make your plan succeed. You’re willing to consider feedback on your approach and remedy any weaknesses.

Consider asking for help as a way to develop a continuous improvement mindset. This will help you exceed your goals and also learn from the mistakes of others without having to make them yourself.

Sports coaches, for example, do not have an assistant and technical team to simply collect the balls after practice. They are there to provide advice, support and help with the strategies of the team for each and every practice and game.

3. Be willing to communicate openly with those who are part of your plan

For a plan that includes others, communication is essential in the full success of the plan. Foster communication with those who will benefit in the success of your plan.

Helping others understand your plan adds more voices that will contribute to results-driven conversations and help you see more possibilities.

At Wellsfaber, we understand how plans have a tendency of not going exactly our way. We appreciate the importance of creating flexible financial plans that need to adapt to any outcome or event that is unexpected in your life.

We advise, you thrive.